Creating a diverse society is a global issue, and one of the hottest topics, especially among young people. For example, LGBTQ+ is an issue that is often raised in diversity themes. 40% of 13-24 year olds who identify as LGBTQ+ have considered suicide. 64% of them have also been asked to reassess their identity*.
At Project Any, we believe that a society in which each person's individuality is unleashed is a world where young people can shine brightly. Regardless of race, sexual orientation, age, etc., we will create an environment where people can recognize and understand themselves as they are, and nurture them together with society. In addition, young people who have acquired their own radiance will be able to develop a mentality that can accept the diversity of others. By continuing to provide the next generation with Project Any, which embodies diversity, together with our co-creation partners, we will have an impact on the world as an initiative to foster culture.
* NPO Trevor Project (N=34,000+)
Through the efforts of Project Any, we will contribute to solving the problems of creating a diverse society in which the next generation can shine. Specifically, by providing the following three initiatives to the next generation, we will unleash the individuality of those who will be responsible for future leadership and contribute to the creation of a society where they can play an active role without losing their brilliance after entering society. increase.

Through the provision of Enigram, we will produce many young people who deepen their thoughts on self-understanding and personal vision and acquire their own axis.

We will provide opportunities to participate in an environment where self-innovation can be done with diverse people of the same generation and to experience and learn “It is fun because it is diverse!”

We will contribute to the transformation to a more diverse society by continuing to show the world the next generation's lively image.