Have you ever been overwhelmed and daunted by life after university?
Our program, "The Path to Success and Self-Awareness." is specifically designed to help students navigate the job-hunting process. We'll start by introducing you to the big picture of the job search process, breaking it down into six easy-to-follow steps: 1. How to prepare for the job market? 2. Job search strategies? 3. Resume preparation 4. Interview preparation 5. Should you accept or reject the job? What if I am rejected? 6. Assessment You'll learn more about yourself and what you need to consider in each step, as well as how to tackle different issues that may arise. One of the best things about this program is that you'll have the opportunity to communicate and network with people from different backgrounds, experiences, and talents. We believe that diversity is key to success, and by participating in this program, you'll get to reflect on your own experiences while learning from others. The discussion will be split over three Wednesdays, with each day focusing on two of the six steps. Feel free to join whichever you find most relevant to you!
各ステップで自分自身について学び、考慮すべきこと、および発生する可能性のあるさまざまな問題に対処する方法を学びます。 このディスカッションプログラムは、就職活動を6つのステップに分割しています:準備、求人検索、履歴書の構築、面接参加、受け取ったオファーから企業を選ぶこと、評価。
Event Details イベントの詳細
When: March 22nd, 2023 15:00 ~ 16:00 : Step 1 & 2 March 29th, 2023 15:00 ~ 16:00 : Step 3 & 4 April 5th, 2023 15:00 ~ 16:00 : Step 5 & 6 Where: ZOOM meeting (Link will be shared later) Who: Everyone who is interested in the discussion topic Disclaimer: The event will be hosted in English, but participation in Japanese is also welcomed.
いつ: 2023年3月22日 15:00〜16:00:ステップ1&2 2023年3月29日 15:00〜16:00:ステップ3&4 2023年4月5日 15:00〜16:00:ステップ5&6 場所:ZOOMミーティング(リンクは後日共有されます) 対象者:ディスカッションのトピックに興味のあるすべての方 免責事項:このイベントは英語で開催されますが、日本語での参加も歓迎されています。
Can't wait to see you all there!